
Webflow vs Shopify: Which is Better for Your Business?

Brian Gotti
1 min read
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In recent years, the eCommerce market has exploded, and there are now a plethora of tools available for building and managing online stores. Two popular options are Webflow and Shopify. Both platforms have their pros and cons, but in this article, we'll explore the advantages of Webflow over Shopify for eCommerce.

Design Flexibility

Webflow's primary advantage over Shopify is its design flexibility. Webflow allows you to create fully custom websites without any coding knowledge. With Webflow, you can create complex layouts, animations, and interactions that are not possible on Shopify. This level of design control is particularly useful for businesses that want to create a unique brand identity and stand out from the competition.


Webflow is generally more affordable than Shopify, especially for small businesses. Webflow offers a free plan and a range of paid plans, with prices starting at just $12 per month. Shopify's plans start at $29 per month, and their transaction fees can add up quickly. While Shopify offers more features out of the box, Webflow's lower pricing makes it an attractive option for businesses on a budget.


Webflow's websites are known for their speed and performance. Webflow uses a content delivery network (CDN) to ensure that your website loads quickly no matter where your customers are located. In contrast, Shopify websites can be slow to load, especially if you have a lot of customizations or apps installed.


Webflow is built with SEO in mind, making it easier for you to optimize your website for search engines. Webflow allows you to set up custom meta tags, alt text, and other SEO elements for each page on your site. Additionally, Webflow's clean code and fast-loading pages can help boost your website's search engine rankings. While Shopify also has strong SEO capabilities, it requires more technical knowledge to optimize your website effectively.


Webflow offers more customization options than Shopify, allowing you to create a fully custom website that meets your unique business needs. With Webflow, you can create custom templates, layouts, and even CMS collections that allow you to organize your products in a way that makes sense for your business. In contrast, Shopify has more limitations when it comes to customization, and you may need to rely on third-party apps to achieve the level of customization you want.


While both Webflow and Shopify are excellent eCommerce platforms, Webflow has some clear advantages when it comes to design flexibility, pricing, speed, SEO, and customization. Ultimately, the right platform for your business will depend on your specific needs, but if you're looking for a powerful, customizable, and affordable eCommerce platform, Webflow is definitely worth considering.

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